Former Ph.D. student at Yokohama National University working on a field called multi-robot systems, swarm robotics, or swarm robotics (April 2021 - March 2024).

Specifically, we are working on the problem of patrolling a certain area using multiple robots. The main method is one in which each robot makes decisions in distributed and reactive manner, without relying on planning before the mission starts or centralized instructions by the operator. In addition to the advantages of simple computation and the fact that the system can be used regardless of the communication capabilities of the robots, it also has the advantage of making it more difficult for hostile agents to predict the behavior, compared to the method of patrolling an area in a scheduled manner.

On the other hand, each robot’s decisions and the progress of missions must be properly reported to the operator. This is important in terms of assisting the robot’s decision making and predicting malfunctions. It is also essential for operators who are not necessarily robot experts to feel comfortable installing and operating the robot. In this regard, we are also studying methods to have robots periodically report their status to operators during patrols, methods to evaluate the degree of situation awareness of operators.

keywords:multi-robot systems; swarm robotics; unmanned systems; UAV; UGV; USV; AUV; UUV …etc.

contact: kazuho.kobayashi.ynu[at]gmail.com


Publications (only 1st authored ones are listed)

journal papers (reviewed)



